every buyer at some stage will make mistakes. from time to time every merchandiser will over estimate their forecast sales, and not all factory quality control checks find quality issues.
we understand the need for manufacturers, importers, wholesalers and retailers to clear unwanted stock.
even with the emergence of the online discount group buying sites which have provided an effective channel to reduce overstock levels, there still remains the issue of selling the last stock of a range or the products that simply are not moving.
for most, the ongoing need to deep discount in order to release valuable warehouse space or release cash invested still exists.
business owners simply don't know who to contact. webuyclearance.com.au will work with you to give you the outcome you need to dispose of these items.
tell us what and how much stock you have to clear, tell us where the stock is and in what condition it is in, tell us if there are any selling restrictions that need to be applied to the stock and let's see where we can help.
we look forward to hearing from you.